Brucite Minerals

Brucite Minerals


Brucite is a mineral primarily composed of magnesium hydroxide with the chemical formula Mg(OH)2. It typically forms in hydrothermal veins associated with serpentinite, or as a secondary mineral in altered ultramafic rocks. Brucite crystals are usually tabular or platy in shape and can range in color from white to light green, gray, or blue.

Metaphysically, brucite is believed to have several properties:

Calming and Soothing: It is thought to have a gentle and calming energy, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety. Some people use brucite to promote relaxation and inner peace.

Emotional Healing: Brucite is believed to aid in emotional healing by promoting self-acceptance and self-love. It may help individuals release emotional baggage and past traumas, fostering a sense of emotional well-being.

Spiritual Growth: Some practitioners believe that brucite can enhance spiritual growth and intuition. It is said to stimulate the third eye chakra, promoting clarity of thought and inner wisdom.

Balance and Harmony: Brucite is thought to balance the emotions and promote harmony within oneself and with others. It may help individuals find equilibrium in their lives and relationships.

Physical Healing: In addition to its metaphysical properties, brucite is sometimes used in crystal healing to support physical health. It is believed to have detoxifying properties and may aid in the treatment of digestive disorders, muscle cramps, and other ailments related to imbalances in the body.

Grounding and Stability: Brucite is often associated with grounding energies, helping individuals feel more connected to the earth and anchored in the present moment. It can provide a sense of stability during times of change or uncertainty, promoting feelings of security and resilience.

Enhanced Communication: Some practitioners believe that brucite can facilitate clearer communication, both with oneself and with others. It may help individuals express their thoughts and emotions more effectively, leading to improved relationships and a greater sense of understanding.

Chakra Alignment: Brucite is said to resonate with the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. By balancing this energy center, brucite may help individuals overcome feelings of insecurity or self-doubt, empowering them to pursue their goals with courage and conviction.

Creativity and Inspiration: Brucite is believed to stimulate creativity and inspiration, making it a valuable tool for artists, writers, and other creative individuals. Its gentle energy can help remove mental blocks and encourage the flow of new ideas and insights.

Harmonizing Relationships: Whether in romantic partnerships, friendships, or family dynamics, brucite is thought to promote harmony and understanding between people. It encourages empathy, compassion, and forgiveness, fostering healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

Purification and Cleansing: In addition to its energetic properties, brucite is sometimes used in rituals or ceremonies for purification and cleansing. It is believed to clear away negative energies and promote a sense of freshness and renewal, both spiritually and emotionally.

Psychic Protection: Some practitioners believe that brucite can act as a shield against negative influences or psychic attacks. By creating a protective barrier around the aura, it may help individuals maintain their energetic boundaries and ward off unwanted energies.


These aspects of brucite's metaphysical properties highlight its versatility as a tool for personal growth, healing, and spiritual development. As with any metaphysical practice, it's important to approach the use of brucite with intention, mindfulness, and respect for its inherent energies.

Overall, while brucite is not as widely known or studied in the realm of metaphysics as some other minerals, it is valued by those who believe in its energetic properties for its gentle and supportive nature. As with any metaphysical practice, individual experiences and beliefs may vary.

Several Brucite specimen are available for sale in this store.

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